Παρασκευή 3 Απριλίου 2020

You Are Being Tracked: More Than You Were Before

By Mac Slavo

The United States government has rolled out incredibly totalitarian measures that amount to human rights violations in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Unfortunately, long after this pandemic is a distant memory, the authoritarian controls will still be in place.

Local governments and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have received anonymized data about people in areas of “geographic interest,” with the aim being to create a portal of geolocation information for 500 cities across the country. The development follows reports of other countries using cellphone data to monitor citizens and see if they are complying with curbs on movement, and elimination of income in order to defeat the viral outbreak.

European mobile carriers have reportedly been sharing data with health authorities in Italy, Germany, and Austria, while at the same time respecting Europe’s privacy laws. Earlier this month, Israel passed emergency measures that allow security agencies to track the smartphone data of people with suspected COVID-19 and find others they may have come into contact with.

Even if you end up making it through this pandemic without getting sick, the economic ramifications are going to be immense and it’s expected that the government will use the implemented mass surveillance and tracked to squash riots. It’s likely that this pandemic of total control will affect you for much longer than the virus will. The mainstream media is calling those who care about people’s livelihoods “greedy,” but that couldn’t be further from the truth. If people cannot feed their families, the social unrest and riots that could result from this lockdown may be overwhelming and could result in a massive amount of suicides and homicides. The mainstream media can continue to ignore that fact all they’d like, but people will get violent if they get hungry.

Pandemic-related unemployment and shutdowns are a recipe for social unrest, reported Reason. That’s a huge concern as forecasters expect the U.S. unemployment rate in the months to come to surpass that seen during the depths of the Great Depression. If that happens, the fallout from the shutdown will be worse than the deaths during this pandemic. Expect these totalitarian measures being put in place now to be used to control the public when they can’t make a living anymore.

Also Read from Activist Post: 

COVID-19 Outbreak Is The Trojan Horse To Increase Smartphone Surveillance
Potential Lasting Tyranny Due To The Coronavirus with Vin Armani

Article source: SHTFPlan.com


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