Τετάρτη 12 Μαΐου 2021

The New York Times Now States that Covid is Forever: Why You Should be Concerned


By Janet Phelan

An article in The New York Times, published on May 3, reveals a dramatic shift in the narrative concerning coronavirus and the future.

Gone are the declarations that Covid is a temporary phenomenon, to be defeated by masks, lockdowns and herd immunity. Quoting Rustom Antia, who is a virologist with Emory University, the article promotes the hypothesis that Covid is now forever.

Dr. Antia stated that “The virus is unlikely to go away.”

The article goes on to quote Dr. Anthony Fauci, a previously strong prior promoter of the herd immunity thesis as saying:

“People were getting confused and thinking you’re never going to get the infections down until you reach this mystical level of herd immunity, whatever that number is.”

In a paragraph that might send chills down the spine of those yearning to be free from the yoke of virus restrictions, the Times article reports that “Polls show that about 30 percent of the U.S. population is still reluctant to be vaccinated. That number is expected to improve but probably not enough. ‘It is theoretically possible that we could get to about 90 percent vaccination coverage, but not super likely, I would say,’ said Marc Lipsitch, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.”

In a dramatic reversal from the promises that we would sooner or later return to normal, the article goes on to explore the apparently novel conclusions that viruses spread persistently, and that a vaccination skeptical populace is aiding and abetting the persistence of this spread. The article states “…experts now calculate the herd immunity threshold to be at least 80 percent. If even more contagious variants develop, or if scientists find that immunized people can still transmit the virus, the calculation will have to be revised upward again.”


A source in Canada, writing under a request for confidentiality, points out that the narrative has shifted entirely away from treatment towards an emphasis on vaccine imperatives. She writes,

“The mainstream media revealed, early in the COVID scenario, that there are several remedies that work just fine and there is no need whatsoever for any vaccine.” She goes on to say that “For some reason, nobody, even doctors, remembers those remedies.”

She includes the following list:

I would imagine that many reading this article may be aware of these proposed remedies. The point here is not to provide new treatment information but to question why a treatment strategy has been entirely dropped from the narrative.

The Canadian source writes, “To me, the forgetting of those remedies is so total that it really suggests that it is the result of electronic mind control. Ditto for all the other bizarre behaviour of the various leaders and players in the many current events.”

Without dipping into concerns that the electronic miasma is now thick with signals that may invade the brain and disrupt normal behavior, her statements need to be looked at closely in terms of the mass amnesia that has afflicted the world’s population. The only item on the table at this juncture appears to be the question: “To vaccinate or not to vaccinate?”

Clearly, the powers-that-be are creating a scenario wherein choosing not to receive the jab is most inconvenient for one’s continued viability as a worker, a traveler and a social being. One could present a compelling argument that the creation of a two-tier society, the vaccinated and the lepers – that is, the unvaccinated – is being rolled out.

However, the statements by our Canadian colleague transcend this analysis. Her statements point to concerns about an effort to subliminally affect our thinking and decisions, in ways we would neither be aware nor in control of.

 Certainly the media is directing our focus at this juncture. For those seeking to free their minds and to exercise their natural ability for discernment, it would be useful to review the claims made not only by electronically targeted individuals, aka experimental subjects, but also the state of the science at this point in time.

Elon Musk’s project for Neuralink has gotten significant coverage of late. A recent article in New Scientist headlines “Elon Musk’s plans for mind-controlled gadgets: what we know so far.” However, the article fails to differentiate between mind-controlled gadgets and gadget -controlled minds. This difference has some scientists concerned.

Dr. Robert Duncan has worked on projects for the CIA and for DARPA. Writing in his book, The Matrix Deciphered, Duncan states:

I have interviewed over two hundred people and worked on the highest level of military projects for the U.S., NATO, and U.K. and have given videotaped testimony to senators and representatives on this topic resulting in lip service since they have no real power to enforce. Two high level FBI agents and a couple CIA agents have come forward to validate the existence of an MKULTRA-like project that continues to grab random people for mind control experimentation.

Neuroscientist Dr. James Giordano’s bio includes work for the Pentagon, DARPA, Georgetown University and the HHS. In a presentation to the United States Military Academy cadets titled, “The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future,” Giordano states that “The concept of the brain as the battlescape is very important.”

He goes on to state that “Disruption and influence will be the key to creating peer capabilities and asymmetric relations and engagements.”


For emphasis, he stated “disruption and influence.”

 A recent article in Scientific American began with this bold pronouncement:  “The ability to detect electrical activity in the brain through the scalp, and to control it, will soon transform medicine and change society in profound ways.”

Could it be that this technology is now being deployed to encourage us to become lab rats for an experimental mRNA operating system, aka the Covid vaccine? And how would we know?

This reporter previously uncovered a secret ward at UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, designated as A-South, where non consensual experiments were being conducted on welfare patients, experiments dealing with brain electricity. This unit, headed by a Dr. Barry Guze, was certainly up and running into the first decade of the new millennium, though UCLA has attempted to deny the unit ever existed.

The secrecy surrounding this project could be compared with the level of secrecy surrounding the entire MK ULTRA (mind control) projects which were exposed to some degree in the Church and Pike hearings of the 1970s and allegedly discontinued. The reports of MK ULTRA having been discontinued are now largely considered to be fraudulent.

It is something to consider, in any case. As we line up to take our jabs, oblivious to the plethora of information that has been provided concerning valid countermeasures, it might be worthwhile to wonder why. Is it simply that our ever faithful media has shifted our attention away from treatments or is there something more nefarious at play?

Janet Phelan has been on the trail of the biological weapons agenda since the new millennium. Her book on the pandemic, At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of US Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic, will be published in 2021 by Trine Day. Her articles on this issue have appeared in Activist Post, New Eastern Outlook, Infowars and elsewhere. Educated at Grinnell College, UC Berkeley and the University of Missouri Graduate School of Journalism, Janet “jumped ship” and since 2004 has been writing exclusively for independent media. Her articles previously appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Oui Magazine, Orange Coast Magazine, the Long Beach Press Telegram, the Santa Monica Daily Press and other publications. She is the author of the groundbreaking expose, EXILE and two books of poetry. She resides abroad. You may follow Janet on Parler here @JanetPhelan. To support her work, please go to JanetPhelan


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